5 Steps to Storyboarding for Marketing Videos

5 Steps to Storyboarding for Marketing Videos
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For teen entrepreneurs, digital marketing is a low-cost way to dramatically grow their audiences. And when it comes to video marketing, teen entrepreneurs already have an advantage! Most teens already film and edit videos on their smartphones for social media audiences, and they can easily leverage these skills to storyboard and produce slick, professional marketing videos.


Enrolling in a program like  Leangap can help you enhance your marketing skills and grow your startup as a teen founder! Plus, these tips will help you tackle the storyboarding aspect of video marketing, from saving on film production to writing scripts.


Save on production Costs


Before you start storyboarding, think about how you can save money during the video production process. For example, you can use royalty-free stock video footage rather than shooting all of your necessary footage in-house. To get access to many good stock video options, all you need to do is sign up for an HD video subscription service. You’ll be able to choose the footage you want at a reasonable price. Write up your script and create your storyboard with these cost-saving strategies in mind so that you can develop a board based on an economical video.


What is a Storyboard?


First, it’s important to define the term“storyboard.” According to StudioBinder, a storyboard is a visual representation of a chronological film sequence divided into individual panels. Each panel can include details like drawings of on-screen action, dialogue, camera action, and more. Creating a storyboard will help you to film and edit videos more efficiently, collaborate effectively with your team, and bring your vision to life accurately.




Writing Your Script


Prior to storyboarding, you’ll have to write your video script. When it comes to scripting for marketing videos, Column FiveMedia recommends crafting a general story outline first, kicking your script off with a compelling hook, centering your narrative around a single, clear message, and ending the script with a persuasive call to action. Keep your intended marketing channels and audience in mind as you write.


Preparing for Storyboarding


You’ve got your script down, and you’re almost ready to start storyboarding! You’ll want to start the process with a few preparations. For example, you’ll have to establish your panel size with the same aspect ratios that you’ll use for shooting your film. Make sure to keep your subject sizes in mind as you draw, whether you’re using paper or a digital program.


You’ll also have to break down your script shot-by-shot before you develop a storyboard. Plot out each shot by taking notes on your script. Analyze your script with your team, and determine exactly how you want each shot to look. Remember, the more work you put in now, the easier it will be to shoot the video you really want to create. Finally, make a note of your planned camera movements on your script so that you can add them to the storyboard.

Structuring and Creating Your Storyboard


It’s time to dive into storyboarding! You’ll start by sketching out each panel or using a digital art platform to establish the objects in the foreground and background of each shot. You can also add arrows to indicate motion and movements occurring on screen. Furthermore, include the correct camera movements, whether it’s a close-up, wide shot, or otherwise. Lastly, don’t forget to number your shots! Ensure that everything is in the correct order.


If you’ve never created a storyboard before, you might not know how to begin. With these tips, you’ll be ready to develop your video script, construct the storyboard, and cut down on video production costs. Soon, you’ll be ready to shoot your first marketing video!


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